
Dog Park

We are a non-profit (501C3) community organization whose primary purpose is the upkeep of Bailey’s Dog Park.

Our Purpose

What We Do

We raise funds to support and maintain the Park.  We are also responsible for policing members/users of the park, enforcing the rules and maintaining a clean and safe Dog Park for all members of the community to utilize for the socializing and wellbeing of their dogs.  

The town of Clinton has provided the land, dog waste bags, water and staff to empty the garbage and dog waste receptacles.   

All other supplies and materials are the financial responsibility of the Friends of Bailey’s Dog Park.  We welcome all donations and will try to work with local business to raise funds to support the dog Park.

Bailey’s was a difficult task and took more than two years to complete but the efforts have proved more than worthwhile. Today Bailey’s is a well-populated park with a stellar reputation along the shoreline. With the continued dedication and enthusiasm of a new group of volunteers, Bailey’s will long be one of, if not THE, best dog park on the Shoreline.

Want to get involved?

We are happy to work with volunteers in many areas from Facilities to fund raising to event planning.  Email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

The History of

Bailey's Dog Park


The Idea

The idea for Bailey’s Dog Park originated in 2009 when the then-Board of Selectmen in Clinton
approved the concept of a dog park. The Board, led by First Selectman Willie Fritz, also gifted a
piece of Town owned property adjacent to the Joel School on Glenwood Road. The property
included a derelict, abandoned house and a fenced-in lot of approximately ⅓ of an acre.


First Group of Volunteers

The first group of volunteers was composed of Bonnie Finkeldey, Sandy Springer, Robin
Buckley, Grace Guidone and Selectman Carol Walter. Together, they designed and
implemented a plan to take this overgrown, very rough parcel and turn it into a place for dogs and their owners to come together for socializing and safe play.
After gaining Zoning approval, abating asbestos, allowing the Fire Dept to burn the house down as a training exercise, decommissioning the septic system and removing water lines- the area was finally ready to be cleared, graded and mulched.


Labor of Love

Without the skills and commitment of each of these women, the park never would have come into being. From Bonnie’s ability to provide and drive an excavator along with her never ending energy, to Sandy’s skill in giving us the necessary engineering help, to Robin’s terrific skills with fundraising and documenting and Grace’s commitment to the task, it was truly a labor of love.
That same love led us to name the park Bailey’s after Robin and Jim Buckley’s Mastiff Bailey passed away during the time it took to get the park up and running. He was never forgotten and it was the feeling of the other members that Bailey would be the perfect representative in perpetuity.

Who Is Bailey?

During the creation of the Clinton Dog Park, Bailey participated in the park’s major fund raiser, The Howl-o-ween Parade, as an eager assistant in the kissing booth.  Bailey, who was owned and loved by one of the founding committee members, died unexpectedly of complications from an autoimmune disorder.  Never getting to see the park to fruition, the generous and compassionate spirit of the dog park committee, along with town and park officials, unanimously agreed to name the park “Bailey’s Dog Park” in his memory. 

Rules and Regulations

Rule #1

Owners/guardians assume the full responsibility for any injuries/risk of injuries, damages or loss connected with or associated with the use of the park. Owner/guardians are legally and financially responsible for their dogs and any injuries, damages or loss caused by them or to them waive all liability to the Town of Clinton while accessing or using the Park.

Rule #2

Up-to date rabies tags must be visible on dog collar. No dog shall enter without recommended veterinary inoculation. Records shall be available upon request. Heartworm and flea treatments are encouraged.

Rule #3

As an owner/guardian, cleaning up after your dog is mandatory. Seal the waste in provided bags and dispose of in one of two proper disposal cans. Do not put dog waste in garbage can. Not picking up after your dog will result in asking to refrain from coming to park.

This park is maintained by users of the park. We are responsible for filing of holes. Rakes are provided. Please pick up toys and return to baskets. Even if it’s not your dog please care for the park. It is a community effort. It’s up to the dog owners to maintain the park.

Rule #4

Dogs or humans are not to jump over fence. No skateboards, skates, rollerblades or drones allowed in park.

We Are 501c3 Non Profit Organization

The park is maintained and funded through the generous donations from the community.

ll donations go to support the upkeep of the park 100%.  We would love to continue to make improvements in the park but it will only happen through the generous donations we have received and hope to continue to receive from the generous community members.

If you would like to make a donation it can be easily done online

Send us a Message

Contact Details

If you or your organization would like to get involved with fund raising please contact us and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.